Pour rappel, L'Andhra Pradesh est situé au nord du Tamil Nadu. Cet état a été récemment amputé de sa partie occidentale qui est devenue le Telangana, ceci pour des raisons poilitico-économiques. La langue reste la même pour les deux états, le telugu. (cf. article du 27/09/2013)
As a reminder, Andra Pradesh is north of Tamil Nadu. Due to political and economical reasons this state recently lost its occidental part which is now known as Telangana. The language remains the same for both states, Telugu.
(cf. 27/09/2013 article).
Entrée de l'orphelinat / Orphanage entrance |
During 28 years the orphanage - with its school and pre-professional workshops - operated in Tenali (see July 27th 2013 publication). The managing organization is the "EOOHC", Educational Organization for Orphaned and Handicapped Children, run by Dr. Tad Venkateswarlu, its founder. Although he is of Hindu faith, the orphanage welcomes children from all religions and origins. EW has been supporting the orphanage for many years. Two and sometimes three members of EW traveled there as additional support - english classes, entertainment for the younger children, teacher training, work in the vegetable garden, needs assessment, etc...
Orphelins de Tenali / Tenali orphans |
Dr. Venkateswarlu a pris la décision de déménager l'orphelinat dans une région encore plus défavorisée, à Rajam, à 430 kms au sud-est de Tenali. Il s'agit de venir en aide à une population tribale, plus défavorisée encore que les castes inférieures (dalits).
Dr. Venkateswarlu decided to move the orphanage to an even more desolate region, in Rajam, 430 kilometers southeast of Tenali. The purpose is to help a tribal population, even more in need of help than the lower castes (Dalits).
Les enfants de Tenali (orphelins, "semi-orphelins", handicapés) pourront se joindre à ceux de Rajam si leur entourage le désire. Leur transport sera assuré par l'association à la rentrée de juin prochain. Ils seront logés et nourris jusqu'à la fin de leurs études secondaires.
The children of Tenali ( orphans, "partial-orphans", handicapped ) will have the opportunity to join those in Rajam with their guardians's approval. Transportation will be provided for by the organization in June for the beginning of the school year. Food and lodging will be provided until the end of secondary studies.
Travail dans le jardin / Work in the garden |
Le déménagement a été célébré selon la tradition hindoue : salut et prière aux ancêtres (Les bustes des parents du Directeur seront transportés à Rajam). Puis repas servi par le Directeur.
Hommage aux parents de Tad / Homage to Tad's parents |
The move was celebrated in accordance with the hindu tradition: prayer to the ancestors ( the Director's parents's stone busts will be moved to Rajam ). Followed by a meal served by the Director.
Tad sert les enfants / Tad serving the children |
EW continuera à apporter son soutien à l'orphelinat.
EW will continue to support the orphanage.