EW à Palani (Tamil Nadu) - 2011-2016
(Anglophones, please scroll down)
EW est partenaire de trois ONG au Tamil Nadu : deux d'entre elles - SCAD à Tirunelveli et GRACE à Nagercoil - sont situées dans la zone côtière (Baie de Bengale) ; la troisième - AWARD - est à l'intérieur des terres dans la ville de Palani. A 100 kms environ au nord-ouest de Madurai, ce centre de quelque 80 000 habitants s'étend au pied des Ghats, chaîne de montagne qui sépare le Tamil Nadu du Kerala.
Deux collines encadrent la ville. Sur l'une d'elles se dresse le Temple dédié à Murugan, l'une des grandes divinités hindoues. Son importance dans la vie religieuse des habitants, sa somptuosité expliquent en grande partie l'animation permanente qui règne dans les rues, les bords du fleuve, les échoppes, la gare routière, etc... Palani est en effet l'un des plus hauts lieux de pélerinage du Tamil Nadu (7 millions de pèlerins par an). Tout au long de l'année des cohortes de pélerins avancent sur les routes, nu pieds, le crâne rasé pour la plupart, portant des offrandes pour les dieux. Le principal pèlerinage a lieu du 15 janvier au 15 février.
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Pèlerins / Pilgrims |
Si la ville retire des bénéfices de toutes ces manifestations, la campagne - et même les alentours immédiats - demeure très pauvre. Dès 2010, EW a répondu à une sollicitation de AWARD, ONG née pour venir en aide aux populations en grande difficulté (petits paysans, gitans, communautés tribales, handicapés, etc...) L'idée était de créer un élevage de chèvres sur des terres pauvres, qui serait à la fois source de nourriture, et complément de revenu. Les subventions demandées par notre association auprès de la Région et du Parlement Européen ayant été accordées, le projet a vu le jour en 2011 (Voir l'article du blog du 9 avril 2011) et la Présidente a baptisé l'un des premiers chevreaux "Espoir".
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Enfants tribaux / Tribal Children |
Au cours de cette mission de 2011, EW a également créé un atelier de couture, a contribué au fonctionnement du centre pour enfants handicapés, a visité des villages de gitans et rencontré des groupes femmes en vue d'étudier des possibilités de micro-crédit, etc...Par ailleurs, une étude très importante a été réalisée par notre secrétaire d'alors- Melinda Tims -, sur la qualité de l'eau, révélant une situation dramatique qui a abouti à une prise de conscience essentielle dans une région où le taux d'enfants handicapés est particulièrement élevé. (Voir l'article du blog du 26 avril 2011).
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Filleule de Mélinda / Mélinda's god-daughter (2011) |
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Arbre de Mélinda planté par Félix / Melinda's tree planted by Félix (2015) |
Où en sommes-nous aujourd'hui ?
AWARD a maintenant 8 salariés, 15 bénévoles. Son action bénéficie à 600 personnes et à 40 enfants handicapés
Elevage de chèvres :Les subventions obtenues par EW avaient permis d'acheter 75 chèvres qui furent distribuées à 75 familles ; celles-ci devaient donner chaque année un chevreau à un autre bénéficiaire. 4 rotations ont ainsi profité à 300 familles. Le projet a connu un véritable succès et a permis d'apporter un complément de revenu. Aujourd'hui, le processus est arrêté car le Gouvernement de l'Etat a pris la suite et donne des chèvres aux familles qui vivent en-dessous du seuil de pauvreté.
Micro-crédit : Il est pris en charge par 25 groupes femmes qui gèrent des plans d'épargne souscrits auprès des banques nationalisées. Un fonds de roulement permet d'accorder des prêts internes aux membres des groupes.
Atelier de couture : Créé par EW, il a pris de l' importance et est subventionné par la Banque Nationale pour l'Agriculture et le Développement Rural. 300 femmes ont déjà bénéficié d'une formation en couture. Elles confectionnent et vendent des tuniques et des "chudis" (ensembles tunique, pantalon et étole).
Enfants handicapés : 40 enfants - handicapés physiques et mentaux - sont accueillis au Centre même et bénéficient de soins particuliers et d'une éducation adaptée. Une Kinésithérapeute et une Orthophoniste ainsi qu'une assistante se chargent du domaine médical.
Quel soutien pouvons-nous apporter à AWARD maintenant ?
Les projets lancés sont en bonne voie et pris en main par AWARD avec le soutien du gouvernement. Il reste que celui-ci semble faire peu en ce qui concerne les enfants handicapés. C'est pourquoi EW continue pour le moment à assurer les salaires de la Kinésithérapeute et de l'Orthophoniste.
D'autre part, AWARD espère le soutien de l'Etat pour différents projets : création d'un véritable Centre pour l'éducation spécialisée, d'une Résidence éducative pour les enfants tribaux, de Centres de recherche en agriculture, etc... Nous suivrons l'évolution de la situation.
A bientôt. EW.
(Voir plus bas pour d'autres photos)
English-language version
EW has three partners in Tamil Nadu ; two of them are situated in the coastal area of the Bay of Bengal : SCAD in Tirunelveli and Grace in Nagercoil. The third one, AWARD, is inland, in Palani, a town of roughly 80 000 inhabitants, 100 kilometers North-West of Madurai, at the foot of the Ghats mountain which separates Tamil Nadu from Kerala.
The town lies between two hills. On top of one of them stands the Murugan Temple dedicated to one of the famous Hindu deities. Its importance in the religious rites and beliefs, its exuberant splendor explain the constant bustle of the streets, of the river banks, of the shops and stalls, of the bus station, etc...The Palani pilgrimage is actually one of the most important in Tamil Nadu with an average of 7 million pilgrims per year. Day after day, and especially between mid-January and mid-February, endless lines of devotees - some of them coming from very far away - can be seen walking along the roads, bare foot, heads shaved, carrying presents for the gods.
Although the town itself benefits from the situation, people living just outside the town limits or in the country are very poor. As early as 2010, EW reacted immediately to a request from AWARD, an NGO dedicated to help populations in great need (peasants, gypsies, tribals, handicapped, etc...). A goat rearing project was suggested as a first step, well suited to the situation : the land is poor, the people were under-nourished and needed supplementary income. Our association fought a good fight to obtain grants from the Regional Council and the European Parliament , and the project came to life. (See our blog article dated 9 April 2011). Our President "baptised" one of the first kids "Hope".
During the same 2011 mission, EW created a tayloring unit, worked with handicapped children, visited gypsy and tribal villages, discussed micro credit projects with women's groups. Moreover, a study on the quality of the villagers' drinking water was conducted by our Secretary at the time (Melinda Tims) which showed a dramatic situation and was an eye opener for the community where the percentage of handicapped children is particularly high.(See our blog article dated 26 April 2011).
What is the situation today ?
AWARD has 8 staff members, 15 volunteers and covers 600 beneficiaries and 40 Differently Abled children.
Goat rearing project : To quote Felix, President of AWARD : "The goat project was initiated among the women groups and worked out nicely. 75 goats were distributed to 5 Women Self Help groups who revolved the new lambs to other members 4 times. Almost 300 families were benefited. The project was a real success and good initiation to enhance the supportive income for the members' families. Now the State Government has also distributed free goats to the families which are below poverty line.........Hence the revolving mode was stopped".
Microcredit : Twenty-five Women Groups are actively involved in savings and credit linkages with Nationalized Banks. They use revolving funds for internal lending.
Tayloring Unit : Created by EW it has gained in importance. It is now supported by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). About 300 women have undergone intensive training on sewing skills. They make and sell blouses and "Churithars" ("chudis" = a tunic, pants and shawl).
Handicapped children : 40 physically or mentally handicapped children come daily to the AWARD center which has some basic educational and therapy equipment. Two special educators, a Physio Therapist, a Speech Therapist and one helper are involved to help the children.
How Can EW support AWARD today ?
Our projects have come to fruition. AWARD seems to be almost self-sufficient with the help of the Government. It does not seem to be the case though as far as handicapped children are concerned. Which is why EW is still supporting them by paying the salaries of the Physio and Speech Therapists.
On the other hand, AWARD has different projects for which it is hoping to get the Government support : creation of a Specialized Center for Education of Disabled Children, of a Residential School for Tribal Children, of a Research Center in Agriculture, etc... We will follow the evolution of the situation.
More later. EW.
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Séance de massage / Massage for handicapped children |
Quel soutien pouvons-nous apporter à AWARD maintenant ?
Les projets lancés sont en bonne voie et pris en main par AWARD avec le soutien du gouvernement. Il reste que celui-ci semble faire peu en ce qui concerne les enfants handicapés. C'est pourquoi EW continue pour le moment à assurer les salaires de la Kinésithérapeute et de l'Orthophoniste.
D'autre part, AWARD espère le soutien de l'Etat pour différents projets : création d'un véritable Centre pour l'éducation spécialisée, d'une Résidence éducative pour les enfants tribaux, de Centres de recherche en agriculture, etc... Nous suivrons l'évolution de la situation.
A bientôt. EW.
(Voir plus bas pour d'autres photos)
English-language version
EW has three partners in Tamil Nadu ; two of them are situated in the coastal area of the Bay of Bengal : SCAD in Tirunelveli and Grace in Nagercoil. The third one, AWARD, is inland, in Palani, a town of roughly 80 000 inhabitants, 100 kilometers North-West of Madurai, at the foot of the Ghats mountain which separates Tamil Nadu from Kerala.
The town lies between two hills. On top of one of them stands the Murugan Temple dedicated to one of the famous Hindu deities. Its importance in the religious rites and beliefs, its exuberant splendor explain the constant bustle of the streets, of the river banks, of the shops and stalls, of the bus station, etc...The Palani pilgrimage is actually one of the most important in Tamil Nadu with an average of 7 million pilgrims per year. Day after day, and especially between mid-January and mid-February, endless lines of devotees - some of them coming from very far away - can be seen walking along the roads, bare foot, heads shaved, carrying presents for the gods.
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Palani vue du temple / Palani seen from the temple |
Although the town itself benefits from the situation, people living just outside the town limits or in the country are very poor. As early as 2010, EW reacted immediately to a request from AWARD, an NGO dedicated to help populations in great need (peasants, gypsies, tribals, handicapped, etc...). A goat rearing project was suggested as a first step, well suited to the situation : the land is poor, the people were under-nourished and needed supplementary income. Our association fought a good fight to obtain grants from the Regional Council and the European Parliament , and the project came to life. (See our blog article dated 9 April 2011). Our President "baptised" one of the first kids "Hope".
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Enfants gitans / Gipsy children |
During the same 2011 mission, EW created a tayloring unit, worked with handicapped children, visited gypsy and tribal villages, discussed micro credit projects with women's groups. Moreover, a study on the quality of the villagers' drinking water was conducted by our Secretary at the time (Melinda Tims) which showed a dramatic situation and was an eye opener for the community where the percentage of handicapped children is particularly high.(See our blog article dated 26 April 2011).
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Rencontre avec un groupe femmes / Meeting a WSHG (2011) |
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Atelier de couture / Tayloring Unit (2015) |
What is the situation today ?
AWARD has 8 staff members, 15 volunteers and covers 600 beneficiaries and 40 Differently Abled children.
Goat rearing project : To quote Felix, President of AWARD : "The goat project was initiated among the women groups and worked out nicely. 75 goats were distributed to 5 Women Self Help groups who revolved the new lambs to other members 4 times. Almost 300 families were benefited. The project was a real success and good initiation to enhance the supportive income for the members' families. Now the State Government has also distributed free goats to the families which are below poverty line.........Hence the revolving mode was stopped".
Microcredit : Twenty-five Women Groups are actively involved in savings and credit linkages with Nationalized Banks. They use revolving funds for internal lending.
Tayloring Unit : Created by EW it has gained in importance. It is now supported by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). About 300 women have undergone intensive training on sewing skills. They make and sell blouses and "Churithars" ("chudis" = a tunic, pants and shawl).
Handicapped children : 40 physically or mentally handicapped children come daily to the AWARD center which has some basic educational and therapy equipment. Two special educators, a Physio Therapist, a Speech Therapist and one helper are involved to help the children.
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Séance de rééducation / rehabilitation session |
How Can EW support AWARD today ?
Our projects have come to fruition. AWARD seems to be almost self-sufficient with the help of the Government. It does not seem to be the case though as far as handicapped children are concerned. Which is why EW is still supporting them by paying the salaries of the Physio and Speech Therapists.
On the other hand, AWARD has different projects for which it is hoping to get the Government support : creation of a Specialized Center for Education of Disabled Children, of a Residential School for Tribal Children, of a Research Center in Agriculture, etc... We will follow the evolution of the situation.
More later. EW.