La mission EW 2012 est sur le point de se terminer. Nous posterons encore quelques articles, toujours en cours de redaction, mais en attendant, voici un florilege d'images...
The 2012 EW mission is winding up. We'll soon be posting a few more articles about the work accomplished. In the meantime, here are some recent photos to enjoy...
Restaurant de rue le long de la Riviere Thu Bon / Outside Eaterie along the Thu Bon River |
Bebe endormi dans un hamac au Marche de Phnom Penh / Baby sleeping in hammock inside Market in Phnom Penh |
EW tient a remercier de tout coeur les personnes ci-dessous sans lesquelles cette mission 2012 n'aurait pas pu reussir...
(Veuillez regarder jusqu'au bout pour decouvrir tous les noms et toutes les belles photos de cette region du monde) :
EW would like to express deep gratitude to the following people without whose support this 2012 mission would not have been a success...
(Keep scrolling to the very end to see all the names and the pictures of this beautiful part of the world):
Petite fille en train de faire la lessive - Ile de Koh Dach au Cambodge / Little girl doing the hand-wash along the Mekong on Silk Island, Cambodia |
"Chaton aux Legumes" - dans la cuisine du restaurant "Bai Saigon" / Kitty hiding among food trays in the outdoor kitchen of "Bai Saigon" restaurant |
Francine ("Chauthi") CIAVALDINI
Dominique et Isabelle BODIN-FEAT
Mme. PUM
EW au travail sous une moustiquaire a Koh Dach / EW Working Under the Moquito-Netting on Koh Dach, Cambodia |
Ho Chi Minh Ville / Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon):
Nguyen van Nghiem - Hieu va Thuong
Tran Hien
Quynh Lan Duong
Hong Van
Giang (et merci pour le concert ! / thanks for the concert !)
Cambodge / Cambodia :
Sonna et Dominique MAM
Monsieur et Mme. LIM
Melle. Chikraya
Equipe - Clinique de Niroth / Niroth Clinic Staff
"Oncle" Sum - photographe de service - dans les Annamites / "Uncle" Sum - Roving Photographer in the Annamite Mountains... |
"Oncle" Ho - dont le portrait se trouve dans toutes les ecoles / Uncle Ho - Whose Portrait is in Every VN Classroom |
Hue :
The Hieu va Thuong "Uncles" :
Oncle Dinh et sa femme / Uncle Dinh and his Wife
Oncles Nam, Sum, A, Viet
Duong Phuc - et toute sa famille / Phuc and all her family
Do Thi My - et toute sa famille / My and all her family
Christian Kaufl et son fils / C. Kaufl and his son
Huy et Phuong de l'Association Healing the Wounded Heart -
et tous ceux de l'atelier / Huy and Phong
and all those in the HWH workshop (*)
Babioles a vendre devant l'un des Tombeaux Imperiaux de Hue / Trinkets for Sale at one of the Imperial Tombs Outside Hue |
A l'interieur de la Cite Interdite de Hue pendant le Festival Culturel International / Inside the "Purple Forbidden" City of Hue during its International Cultural Festival |
Scene de rue / Street scene on a hot afternoon |
Quang Tri :
The Hieu va Thuong "Uncles" :
Oncle Vien
Oncle Ta
Oncle Tan
Hoi An :
Mr. Nam, Hoa and those in charge of Blue Dragon, Hoi An
(Nam - responsable du Blue Dragon - et Hoa).
Those in charge of Reaching Out - "Hoa-Nhap" -
and Ho Viet Dung, Kieu, Tuong and everyone in the workshop (*)
(Dung, Kieu, Tuong et tous ceux de l'atelier Reaching Out).
Those in charge of Children's Hope in Action -
R. Morley and Anh, Children's Home - Manager
(Les responsables de CHIA, surtout Anh).
Those in change of the Streets Project - Good Food Helping Good Kids -
Mr. Phan Phu Anh, Manager
(Phan Phu Anh, Manager, Streets Project).
Lampions a Hoi An / Hoi An Lanterns |
Hanoi :
Tran Yen - Investment and Development Corporation - ITD - Bac Ninh
Mr. Michael Brosowski - Blue Dragon, Hanoi
Mrs. Lan - and Hoa and Phong - Craftlink
Dao Huy Thang - Deaf5Colors
Mrs. Thu - Ethnic Travel - Insight into Vietnam
Bao Tang Dan Toc Hoc - Hoa Sua Training Restaurant
Arriere-Cuisine / Courtyard Kitchen |
Fillette / Little Girl Playing |
Communaute Hmong
And from the Hmong Tribal Community :
Ly Pilou
Ly Nhu
Offrandes au Temple / Temple Offerings |
Connexion internet typique - scotchee sur le mur ! / A typical internet connection - scotch-taped to the wall ! |
Et a tous nos membres et amis, bienfaiteurs et donateurs, sponsors, et lecteurs - de par le monde ! MERCI !
And to all of our members, friends, well-wishers, donators, sponsors, and readers - from around the world ! THANKS !
(*) - (Tous ces echanges se sont deroules en grande partie en langue des signes / These exchanges were largely conducted in sign language...)
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